sábado, 8 de octubre de 2011

Unit 3. Lesson 3.Suggest a Means of transportation

Hector: How di I get to the stadium?
Rakel: Don´t drive. Walk down the stret on the left.
Hector: On the left ?
Rakel: Yes, that´s right.
Hector: Thanks.
Rakel: You´re welcome.

Valeria: How di I get to the airport?
Lilian: Don´t walk. Take a taxi
Valeria: The taxi?
Lilian: Yes, that´s right.
Valeria: Thanks.
Lilian: You´re welcome.

viernes, 7 de octubre de 2011

Unit 3.Lesson2.Ex.D.Vocabulary.Directions.

1.- Movies plus is turn right at the corner.
2.- La flor de Michoacan is turn left at the corner.
3.- Coffe point is go straight.

Vocabulary Booster.More places in the community.

Where's clothin store?
It's across the street.

Is There electronics store near here?
yes, there is.

Where's the  fire station?
It's netx to the travel agency.

Is There police station near here?
No, there's not.

Where's the shoe store?
on the right

Unit 3.lesson1.Ex.E.Write question and answers.

1. Where's the bank?
It's across the street.

2.Where's the convenience store?
It's aroun the corner.

3.Where's the post office?
Next to the restaurant.

4.Where's the bookstore?
down the street.

Unit 3.Lesson1. Ex.C.Vocabulary.Locations and directions.

1.- Juarez Park is acroos from City hall.
2.- Laboratorio Tagles is aroun the corner from Benavides.
3.- Secundaria Martires is down the street XFQ.
4.- City hall is on the right.
5.- XFQ is on the left.
6.- Bancomer is next to Super del norte.

Unit 3.Lesson1. Directions and Transportation.

Gabriel:Excuse me. Is there a newsstand here?
Dulce: There's a newsstand aroud the corner.
Gabriel: Thank you.

Yaritza: Excuse me. Where's the pharmacy?
Saul: It's  down the street.
Yaritza: Thank you